Sunday, January 11, 2009


Eraser (1996)

Director: Chuck Russell
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vanessa Williams, James Caan, James Coburn

Lee Cullens (Williams) finds herself in danger when she uncovers a governmental secret that threatens national security. She must then enlist the help of U.S. Marshal John "The Eraser" Kruger (Schwarzenegger), who makes it his duty to "erase" people's existence, but can he keep her under the radar long enough for her to testify against the enemy? When going into a Schwarzenegger film, one is not expecting "Forrest Gump" or a movie with any particular message or agenda. One is expecting explosions, big guns and to be taken on a thrilling cinematic ride. The problem with "Eraser" is that it does not deliver. The movie does not have the elemental qualities that made Schwarzenegger's previous films ("The Terminator, Predator) such successes. It does not have originality, suspense or jaw-dropping chase scenes. Rather it comes off more like a run-of-the-mill predictable action flick, with strained action sequences and flat, boring characters. It is one of Arnold's most forgettable movies.

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